Tag Archives: Bishops Behaving Badly

Have the Bishops gone “Full Modernist”???

Take a close look at this “O-Antiphon” tweet by the USCCB from Wednesday, 18 December.  Do you see any symbology which looks a little…well…Masonic?

And, yes, I do know that the eye within the triangle, the “All-Seeing Eye of God” has a Catholic history.  You can see it displayed in the artwork of old churches and manuscripts.  But for the last several hundred years, it has been co-opted by the Lodge as a distinctly Masonic symbol.  As such, it has gained a fair degree of toxicity. It’s no different than the rainbow.  What was once thought of as the universal sign of God’s pledge never again to destroy the world with water, it has now become the universal sign of something rather different, hasn’t it?  So it is with this symbol.

The question begs itself:  was this simply a slip-up by the poor seminarian whose collateral duty it is to pretend he’s tweeting on behalf of all the bishops in the USCCB?  Or was the symbology fully understood ahead of time.

Has the USCCB, in fact, gone “full Modernist?”


We “don’t worship Jesus” at Mass?!?

I get excited when I see a bishop brandishing a Louisville Slugger.  I’m hoping that he’s going to smash a couple of those Pachamama statues, but alas, that’s rarely the case these days.  It’s more likely that he’s going to take a swing at Catholic dogma instead.

Bishop Rick Stika of Knoxville made waves on social media the last week of November 2019 by making some outlandish statements on Twitter regarding the worship of Jesus during Mass.  As of the time of this posting, you can’t find those direct quotes on Twitter (they’ve been taken down, it seems), but as they say, “The Internet is forever.”

Here they are for your consideration:

Stika Twitter

OK, so there’s that.  Odd.

Very odd.

And certainly heterodox.  Why would a bishop even say such a thing?  Is he one of those post-Vatican II “the Mass isn’t a sacrifice, it’s a community meal” kind of guys?  Did he simply misspeak?

Anyone can make a mistake on Twitter, especially with that darned talk-to-text feature!  (Who hasn’t gotten themselves into trouble using that on a smart phone?!)

But we also have this:

Stika Adore Jesus


As a bit of a rebuttal to the good Bishop (whom we should all pray for), please consider this short video:



Devotional Catholicism is no longer enough. Just ask Mr. Dogma.

The Amazon Synod is proof positive that your Catholic faith is under attack.  During the course of this meeting of selected Church leadership–augmented by a powerful assortment of non-Catholic secularists, Marxists, globalists, and a couple of shamans thrown in for good measure–we treated to spectacle after spectacle.  Pagan dances around carved wooden images of an Earth goddess, canoe parades of that same goddess inside our most revered churches, nonsensical lay “Amazon workshops” taking place inside St. Maria in Transpontina, the participants arrayed in a circle with their backs to the Tabernacle, Franciscans in full habit bowing down before above-mentioned idols…the list seems nearly endless.

If the Synod were only about cheezy displays of low-rent paganism, it would be abomination enough.  But the real damage which the Amazon Synod is poised to inflict upon us all isn’t limited to just that.  Now that the participants have overwhelmingly passed proposals for married priests and female deacons, they will skulk off to dark corners and prepare a document for Pope Francis to sign which will–as some Modernist German prelate boasted–change the Church for ever.

How will you endure in the face of the growing crisis? Get yourself some dogma! Hank Igitur and Mr. Dogma himself have some recommendations for you…


Probably a good time to redouble our prayers to St. Michael…

If you’ve been paying attention (and if you’re one of the dozens of readers here at CatholicCyber-Militia.com, we know you have been!), you know that our beloved Church is in the midst of an unprecedented crisis.  With the Amazon Synod howling at the gates, there’s no better time to ask once more for You Know Who to defend us in battle!

Recognize & Resist: A Strategy Worth Considering

Frustrated by the ambiguous pronouncements coming from Rome?  Worried that this never-ending parade of synods has the potential to play havoc with the true teachings of the Church?  Concerned that Pope Francis might be saying some stuff which simply doesn’t square with two thousand years of consistent Church teaching?

Yeah, us too.  Hank Igitur’s been reading a new book by Dr. Taylor Marshall which does a pretty decent job of putting this whole situation into a long-term historical perspective.  He offers a strategy for prayerfully (and charitably) dealing with this crisis.  Hank’s 100% onboard with this approach and he’s willing to explain it to you in (possibly tedious) detail!

Links Mentioned in this Video:


Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Catholic Church From Within by Dr. Taylor Marshall is available at Amazon.com or through Sophia Institute Press.  The book makes a pretty darn solid case that our present crisis doesn’t have its beginning with the election of Pope Francis, the suppression of the Latin Mass in the late ’60’s/early ’70’s, or even the Vatican II!  The crisis began well over a century earlier.  Fascinating stuff!

The document Hank mentions which can help you cut through some of the confusion when it comes to getting the real deal on Church doctrine is this:  Declaration of the Truths Relating to Some of the Most Common Errors in the Life of the Church of Our Time.”  It’s only eight pages but it gives you an easy to read no-nonsense summary of authentic Church teaching, clearing up some points that might have become, umm, well–a tad murky let’s just say–over the past few years.

Read New ‘Declaration of Truths’ Affirms Key Church Teachings in the National Catholic Register.

Martyrdom, Red and White

The Paschaltide of 2019 has been like no other in recent memory.  The iconic Notre Dame Cathedral burnt down under circumstances which seemed to be all to readily classified as accidental.  Whether the famed cathedral was the victim of carelessness, an industrial accident, or something more nefarious may never be known.  What is beyond doubt, however, is the act of pure religious hatred which was behind the martyrdom of hundreds of Catholics across Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday.  It was clearly an act of Islamic terror, and it was difficult for even the most committed globalist to play down that fact. (Oh, but didn’t they try!  “Easter worshippers?” Really???)

Those who were murdered for their faith in Christ are martyrs, witnesses to the Savior who redeemed them.  Palm fronds in hand, they are ready to intercede for us here on Earth if we ask them.

Holy Martyrs of Sri Lanka, pray for us.

Martyrdom comes in two forms.  There’s the red martyrdom, such as took place Easter Sunday 2019 (and every other day of the year) when Christians shed their blood at the hands of those at war with Christ.  There’s also white martyrdom.  This can be thought of as a bloodless martyrdom, where Christians are subjected to hatred, vitriol, persecution, threats of violence, ridicule, social ostracism, and public humiliation.

As CCM correspondent Hank Igitur shows us in the following clip, not every persecutor of Catholics is to be found outside of the Catholic faith…