Tag Archives: Traditional Latin Mass

Music: Novus Ordo Style!

Traditional Catholics: You know that your days are numbered! Here at CCM, we want to ease your transition by providing you with top-notch training for your mandated transition to the Novus Ordo Mass. With our highly-acclaimed video series “Traditiones Custodes-101,” you will learn everything you need to know in order to comply with the diktats of Traditionis Custodes.

Traditional Catholics MUST get with the program when it comes to post-Vatican II musi.! In Lesson 4 of TC-101, we show you how! As a bonus feature, Amazon Bob offers an explanation of the Hermeneutic of Continuity that will clear everything up. The New Mass is in perfect sync with the Old Mass, except for the fact that the Old Mass is old, bad, rigid, and probably illegal. Special thanks to @Ipsitilla for providing the voice of Wendy the Cantor. Check out her YouTube Channel!

See our entire series of videos (some of them humorous; some of them just tedious) at the Catholic Cyber-Militia YouTube Channel. If you like what you see, subscribe!

Some of These Novus Ordo Oddball Masses Deserve Their Own Awards Show!

If you’re paying any attention at all, you’ve seen it all too often. Video clips on Twitter, YouTube or other social media depicting some horrendous set of abuses taking place at a Novus Ordo Mass somewhere around the world. The clown masses, balloon masses, giant puppet masses, stand-up comedy routines, skits, and (of course!) liturgical dance-offs.

It’s hard to keep up with all of these Novus Ordo Oddities. One of the very best chronicles can be found at David L. Gray’s YouTube site. (You definitely need to check it out; just don’t do so immediately after eating). But even with Mr. Gray keeping us informed, how can we possibly determine which of these outstanding examples of Novus Ordo Innovation (all done in the highest traditions of the “spirit of the council”) are truly the best of the best?

Well, we here at Catholic Cyber-Militia have just the answer for you: The Novie Awards!

Filmed before a live studio audience at St. Silly’s parish, the Novie Awards recognizes the ground-breaking efforts of liturgical innovators around the world! Receiving a Novie award in recognition for your achievements in novelty, entertainment, and exciting reinterpretations of doctrine is what this show is all about!

And in this, our inaugural episode, we have a clear-cut winner for the first award!

See our entire series of videos (some of them humorous; some of them just tedious) at the Catholic Cyber-Militia YouTube Channel. If you like what you see, subscribe!

They put the “NO!” in “Novus Ordo.” An Inside Look at St. Silly’s Parish!

You may have heard of Traditionis Custodes (TC) which ironically translates as “Guardians of the Tradition.” It’s a Motu Proprio (a diktat, really) intended to be the first of several brutal steps intended to wipe the Traditional Latin Mass from the face of the Earth.

The Vatican’s plan is proceeding apace. Part of the plan, of course, involves a…shall we say…re-education of Traditional Catholics as they are forcibly repatriated with nearby Novus Ordo parishes. To help that effort along, we’ve instituted a new series of informative training videos called “TC-101.”

Our animated series takes place at a parish called Saint Silly’s. And believe you me, the good folks at St. Silly’s are as Novie as they can possibly be! Why, they even have built their own charming “Synodal Path” on the parish grounds! Click the video below and take the tour! At the end, you’ll agree that St. Silly’s is indeed a Vatican II architectural triumph!

See our entire series of videos (some of them humorous; some of them just tedious) at the Catholic Cyber-Militia YouTube Channel. If you like what you see, subscribe!

Responding to Adam…

In late December, I began an animated video series that features the attempts of a Novus Ordo pastor to reindoctrinate a group of Traditional Catholics in the wake of the Motu Proprio from Rome. The cartoon follows Father Timmy of “Saint Silly’s” parish as he attempts to show the Trads (whose church has been shut down and taped off) how good things are in the post-Vatican II Church.

The videos have been very successful (by Catholic Cyber-Militia standards, anyways; but then again the bar is pretty low). They’ve drawn way more viewers and comments than our videos normally do. The comments are, by and large, positive. There have been a few negative comments worth pondering as well. One was from a guy who didn’t like the robot voices I used to animate the cartoon. Gotta say I agree with him. Real human voice actors are always better!

And there were several more serious comments, the most thoughtful of which were from a viewer named Adam. They are thought-provoking, and my thoughts have been provoked, else this whole tedious blog post wouldn’t have been written. But I digress…

Some of Adam’s comments included the following:

Wow. And Trads wonder why Pope Francis thinks they are uncharitable…… This whole video is disgusting. This won’t heal the rift in our Church. When the motu proprio was released, so many Trads suggested that the best way to deal with it was with extreme charity and love, and to prove the Holy Father wrong in his reading of Traditional Catholics. I’m seeing none of that here…..You’re just reinforcing what people already think Trads are like…. Sarcastic, holier than though, rigid, prideful, and uncharitable. That’s all I see here.

And Adam certainly has a point with some of his points.  When this motu proprio crisis first broke last July, I added my feeble voice to the Trad online maelstrom of responses, warning that “now is not the time for nastiness.”  I expect I followed my own advice in a less than perfect manner.  And yet, the bosses in Rome can’t expect us to not fight back.  Many are fighting back eloquently, citing the words of men like Pope St. Pius V to point out the ridiculousness of Traditionis Custodes, and highlighting all the inconsistencies of that mean-spirited motu proprio.  I really have nothing of any significant intellectual value to add to those arguments, but I did want to respond.  I chose the path of humor (or at least my odd interpretation of humor) and started making some videos like the one below (the video he responded to is linked at the bottom of this article). 

Adam was sincere in his criticism, and here is my response:

Thank you, Adam, for your comments!  They’re most welcome here, and I do want to respond to some of the points you made. 

I never imagined the video as a tool for healing the “rift in the Church.”  And indeed, there’s no denying that a rift exists; it’s a big one.  The rift, however, is entirely of the Modernists’ making.  They were the ones that went absolutely ape in their wild interpretations of the Vatican II documents.  So much damage was done in the name of that so-called “spirit of Vatican II.”  A rift was inevitable, and one can argue that a rift was exactly what men like Bugnini (the chief architect of the New Mass) had in mind.  Even Pope Francis himself seems to confirm the existence of the rift in the words he uses in his motu proprio and the accompanying cover letter.  This silly little video of mine was not designed to heal the rift; its intent was to use humor to point out the rift’s very existence.  I think most of the video’s viewers already knew of the rift, but you see some comments indicating that more than a few Catholics only became aware of this crisis over the course of the past few years.

You point out that when this motu proprio first hit us, many Traditional Catholics advised a mild response.  If we respond with love, kindness, and charity, we’ll prove the Pope wrong.  That’s a bit naïve.  Pope Francis knew exactly what he was doing when he issued Traditiones Custodes.  He was declaring an open war of extermination on people like me and many of the Catholics who watched this video.  It is erroneous to assume that the motu proprio was simply a reaction to Trads being nasty on social media, as some claim.  His hostility to Tradition goes back years.  He never misses an opportunity to attack Trads.  You yourself have used his favorite insult:  “rigid.”  He thinks adhering to the teachings of the Church which date back to the time of the Apostles, believing what has always been believed, is somehow bad.  To Francis, “rigid” in the most damning of accusations.  For us, “rigid” is a badge of honor.  (As a side note, another word Francis has used to describe us is “coprophagia.” Very merciful description, that…)

Traditional Catholics are seeing none of the mercy extended by Francis to just about every group imaginable.  No “accompaniment” for us.  No “going to the peripheries” to conduct “dialogue” with us.  Instead of dialogue/mercy/etc., we are assaulted with cruel and vindictive order to cease worshipping in the manner in which Catholics have worshipped for well over a thousand years, with instructions for immediate execution of the same.  As Bishop Athanasius Schneider put it, “My initial impression was of a shepherd who instead of having the smell of his sheep, is angrily beating them with a stick.”

No, the Pope isn’t merely destroying 1500+ years of worship because guys like me make fun of the post-Vatican II Church and all its odd novelties.  This was part of his agenda for a very long time.  There is a very large faction in the Church hierarchy (the majority, one suspects) who see the Traditional Latin Mass as a threat to their agenda.  That’s the real issue we’re dealing with here.

As our way of worship is systematically exterminated before our very eyes, we are told that we MUST return to the Novus Ordo Mass as a sign of unity.  As you might be able to tell from these videos, there’s more than a little evidence that something’s a bit “off” with the New Mass.  These abuses are not universal; the more extreme ones are less common now than they were for decades.  Other abuses, such as the ill-advised practice of receiving Communion in the hand, however, are widespread.  As are the insipid homilies, the ambiguous doctrinal teachings, the general lack of reverence.  If they truly want us to return to the Novus Ordo Mass, they had better get hot in addressing the flaws, errors, abuses and bad practices which make it the way it is. 

That being said, I know many good priests who are Novus Ordo priests and even more good people who are Novus Ordo parishioners.  I wish them nothing but the best, and I hope that their rite can be reformed to the point where the types of things we see at our fictional “Saint Sillys” can rapidly become a thing of the past.  But the fact remains that our Pontiff has declared open war on Tradition—not just the Mass, but Tradition itself.  By his cruel diktats, he has made it clear that he wants us wiped from the face of the Earth.  He is wrong.  He is in error.  He will be resisted.  May our good Lord grant Pope Francis the gift of true conversion, and may he yet become the sort of man God truly intends him to be. 

Thanks again, Adam, for your comments.  I hope you continue to tune in.

And here’s the video in question: 

Novus Ordo: The Unique Expression!

Traditional Catholics! This video will help you appreciate the importance of the Motu Proprio. After viewing, you will understand why your traditional Latin Mass must be eliminated. If not, then you are ordered to watch the video again. We want you to return to the New Church. The Novus Ordo Church. It’s the spirit of Vatican II. All are welcome. You must return, or else. Set this video on continual repeat and watch it as many times as necessary until you are fully indoctrinated. Our Red Chinese Patriotic Church bishops recommend that you watch this video after 48 to 72 hours of sleep deprivation. This will increase the efficacy of your re-education session. We look forward to seeing you at the Novus Ordo Mass!

Communion in the Hand: It’s Grand!

Traditional Catholics MUST be reeducated, reindoctrinated, reprogrammed. The new Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes thus decrees, and we thus obey. In order to bring all you rigid nasty Trads into the glorious 21st Century, we offer you the new animated video series, Traditionis Custodes-101. TC-101 is the online learning experience which will help you find your way back to the Novus Ordo Mass. Complete all the videos in this course, receive your certificate, and you can avoid the long lines at the forced reeducation camps!

In Lesson Two, you’ll learn all about how we do the Sacrament of Reconciliation (what they used to call “Confession.” That icky term has, happily, been eliminated). You’ll also learn why receiving Communion in the hand is a superior form of piety. Let’s join Father Timmy of St. Silly’s parish as he shows some selfishly rigid Trads how to do it the Right Way, the Vatican II Way!

Waging War on Traditional Catholics

Peter Kwasniewski has written a book titled From Benedict’s Peace to Francis’ War: Catholics Respond to the Motu Proprio TRADITIONES CUSTODES on the Latin Mass. It’s a compilation of essays and articles from a number of authors.

If you are a traditional Catholic, it’s must reading.

If you’re not a traditional Catholic, but have heard there’s some sort of trouble brewing between Pope Francis and traditional Catholics, the book From Benedict’s Peace to Francis’ War gives you some eye-opening insight on just how dangerous Francis’ actions are to the Faith of our Fathers.

You can order the book from Angelico Press, or from a variety of other online sources.

Excerpts from Kwasniewski’s book…

Traditional Catholics: Welcome to your New Parish!

You Traditional Catholics must be reindoctrinated. Your Latin Mass is illegal and divisive, therefore it will be eliminated. As an alternative to sending you forced re-education camps, this kinder/gentler approach allows you to be reindoctrinated in an entertaining online course. You are on the honor system; no certificates are required! Simply contact your Diocesan Office and inform them as you complete each training session.



OVERVIEW: Father Timmy introduces a group of newly orphaned Trads to their new Novus Ordo parish, St. Sillies. This lesson emphasizes the importance of having fun at Mass and opening yourself up to the “Spirit of Vatican II” through the magic of liturgical dance!

Time to get re-educated! Don’t worry, Traditional Catholics. Soon you will learn to LOVE the New Mass. Or else…

Latin Mass in Exile: An Update

Traditional Catholics in San Diego have been kicked out of their home Novus Ordo parishes. Where we ended up was a pleasant surprise to us all.

Of course, the wounds inflicted by basic cruelty and injustice of the Motu Proprio itself remain. Regardless, San Diego TLM Catholics are grateful to Bp. McElroy for allowing us to settle at this new venue which we’ve informally dubbed “Our Lady of the Periphery.”