Tag Archives: Traditional Roamin’ Catholic

What’s It Gonna Be?

The war of extermination against Traditional Catholicism is relentless. At some point, everyone’s going to be forced to choose a side. Will you side with the heterodox extremists who have captured the hierarchy and are now openly flirting with apostasy, or will you side with those teachings and beliefs which have always been the Church’s true heritage since the times of the Apostles?

Hank Igitur is off wandering in the woods as he ponders this. Not only does he wander, but his thoughts do as well. We hope a nice ranger finds him and leads him back to his RV before he gets eaten by a raccoon or something…

Why Do They Fear our Latin Mass?

If you are a Traditional Catholic, you probably know that the revolutionary clique controlling the temporal reins of Holy Church doesn’t care for it very much. Judging by the language used by the highest levels of the hierarchy, they don’t care much for you either, if you’re a Trad. Summorum Pontificum certainly seems to be in the crosshairs, and nobody quite knows what that will mean for Catholics who prefer to worship as Catholics before them did for century upon century.

The question remains: why do they fear the Traditional Mass (and us)?

And…why does Hank Igitur look so odd in this video???

Another video worth watching is this one. Why do they fear this?


Toxic Traddies, Take Note!

The traditional Latin Mass is really something special!

We “Traddies” know that.  We love our Mass in the Extraordinary Form, and we are pretty sure that–aside perhaps from Susan from the Parish Council or other folk of a hopelessly Modernist mindset–any Catholic would see the special value the Latin Mass has…if they only would experience it first-hand a few times.

And many “regular” Catholics are investigating the Latin Mass first-hand!  That’s great news.  At my parish, we have first-time visitors joining us each and every week.  This trend has picked up speed after the ignominious “Summer of Shame” broke last year, and as we slouch towards the imminent train wreck -called the “Amazon Synod” more and more Catholics will come to see the Traditional Latin Mass as an island of beauty and sanity in a world growing more dysfunctional by the minute.

When first-time visitors come to your traditional parish, how do you greet them?  Most of the time, visitors are made to feel welcome.  But there are other times…

Hank Igitur takes these “toxic Traddies” lurking in our midst to task in his latest video:

Recognize & Resist: A Strategy Worth Considering

Frustrated by the ambiguous pronouncements coming from Rome?  Worried that this never-ending parade of synods has the potential to play havoc with the true teachings of the Church?  Concerned that Pope Francis might be saying some stuff which simply doesn’t square with two thousand years of consistent Church teaching?

Yeah, us too.  Hank Igitur’s been reading a new book by Dr. Taylor Marshall which does a pretty decent job of putting this whole situation into a long-term historical perspective.  He offers a strategy for prayerfully (and charitably) dealing with this crisis.  Hank’s 100% onboard with this approach and he’s willing to explain it to you in (possibly tedious) detail!

Links Mentioned in this Video:


Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Catholic Church From Within by Dr. Taylor Marshall is available at Amazon.com or through Sophia Institute Press.  The book makes a pretty darn solid case that our present crisis doesn’t have its beginning with the election of Pope Francis, the suppression of the Latin Mass in the late ’60’s/early ’70’s, or even the Vatican II!  The crisis began well over a century earlier.  Fascinating stuff!

The document Hank mentions which can help you cut through some of the confusion when it comes to getting the real deal on Church doctrine is this:  Declaration of the Truths Relating to Some of the Most Common Errors in the Life of the Church of Our Time.”  It’s only eight pages but it gives you an easy to read no-nonsense summary of authentic Church teaching, clearing up some points that might have become, umm, well–a tad murky let’s just say–over the past few years.

Read New ‘Declaration of Truths’ Affirms Key Church Teachings in the National Catholic Register.

Martyrdom, Red and White

The Paschaltide of 2019 has been like no other in recent memory.  The iconic Notre Dame Cathedral burnt down under circumstances which seemed to be all to readily classified as accidental.  Whether the famed cathedral was the victim of carelessness, an industrial accident, or something more nefarious may never be known.  What is beyond doubt, however, is the act of pure religious hatred which was behind the martyrdom of hundreds of Catholics across Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday.  It was clearly an act of Islamic terror, and it was difficult for even the most committed globalist to play down that fact. (Oh, but didn’t they try!  “Easter worshippers?” Really???)

Those who were murdered for their faith in Christ are martyrs, witnesses to the Savior who redeemed them.  Palm fronds in hand, they are ready to intercede for us here on Earth if we ask them.

Holy Martyrs of Sri Lanka, pray for us.

Martyrdom comes in two forms.  There’s the red martyrdom, such as took place Easter Sunday 2019 (and every other day of the year) when Christians shed their blood at the hands of those at war with Christ.  There’s also white martyrdom.  This can be thought of as a bloodless martyrdom, where Christians are subjected to hatred, vitriol, persecution, threats of violence, ridicule, social ostracism, and public humiliation.

As CCM correspondent Hank Igitur shows us in the following clip, not every persecutor of Catholics is to be found outside of the Catholic faith…


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