Tag Archives: Throwing Chinese Catholics Under the Bus

Responding to Beijing

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been abusing the entire world (and Christians in particular) for some time now.  We all know the stories of persecution, and the recent heartbreaking (and utterly perplexing!) pact between the Holy See and Beijing…and the resulting acceleration of church demolitions, arrests, and persecutions which were, of course, the inevitable result.

And now we have this new scourge which the CCP has unleashed upon the world.  The CCP Virus (which those who consider themselves woke insist on calling COVID-19) has killed hundreds of thousands and brought Western societies to a standstill and the world’s economies to their knees.

In two short years, the world will gather in Beijing to publicly thank the CCP, adore them, and heap praise and prestige upon the Butchers of Beijing.  Why?

Is it time to say “enough’s enough”..?  #BoycottBeijing2022

A “Difficult if not Hostile” Situation…

Catholic News Service tweet featuring picture and quote from Pope Francis.

In an almost eye-wateringly ironic tweet, the Catholic News Service is quoting Pope Francis as having said,

 “A particular thought goes to our brothers and sisters who celebrate the Birth of the Lord in difficult, if not hostile situations, especially where the Christian community is a minority…”

Makes you wonder what the poor Chinese Catholics from the persecuted underground Church thought about those words…

Francis, Chairman Mao, and King Henry VIII

It’s hard to keep up with all the moves being made during this pontificate.  Many of the pronouncements coming from the Vatican seem to be intentionally ambiguous, allowing for the faithful to fib to themselves that nothing’s changed, and allowing the less heterodox among us to exploit the carefully constructed loopholes in documents like Amoris Laetitia.  No doubt the end product of this month’s synod will produce whoppers of equal magnitude.

Then, of course, there are the outright moves of betrayal, such as the stunning agreement with the Red Chinese which effectively throws the Underground Church in China under the bus.

Even though many faithful Catholics are confused, perplexed, disturbed, and perhaps even outraged by the Pontiff’s moves, there are those whom we suspect would be quite pleased…